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We understand that a perfect concrete project like a retaining wall requires a significant amount of money to start, and it is not easy to create as it requires skills and effort to pull off properly. These factors push some Denver residents to DIY their retaining walls. Hands-on experience and cost-saving might seem very appealing; however, the complexities of constructing a Denver retaining wall shouldn’t be underestimated. If you are facing a tough decision between tackling the project yourself or hiring Denver concrete experts, here are some strong points to consider when making the smart move for your Denver retaining wall.
When DIYing a Denver retaining wall, DIYers aim to install it properly. If you are satisfied and okay to be complacent with a ‘proper’ design and engineering, DIY installation is for you. But if you want to achieve a top-level of quality and aesthetics, choose to hire professionals. Understand that a Denver retaining wall is not just a barrier; it plays a significant role in the landscape such as holding the soil, preventing erosion, and managing water runoff. A poorly constructed retaining wall can result in a disaster not only in your property but also to the people living in your space.
Moreover, a Denver retaining wall may also require additional features to withstand the weather and environment, and ignorance of these aspects can lead to early deterioration of your retaining wall—instead of saving money, you would end up spending more.
Adding to the complexity of installing a Denver retaining wall is the materials to use for the job. Every material for retaining walls such as concrete blocks, natural stone, and timber has different properties, offering various benefits. Denver concrete experts can assess the most appropriate range of materials for a Denver retaining wall, considering what a client wants and needs depending on the situation. Also, Denver retaining wall experts can help you to get the best quality of materials with discounts as they are well-known in the city and already built a good reputation and strong relationships with multiple suppliers.
For DIY installation, the proper solution to identify the right range of materials is to do extensive research and ask for advice from suppliers. Note that it is crucial to assess the state of your land property. Being unaware and having no access to the right range of materials can lead to the use of subpar materials, compromising the structural integrity of the Denver retaining wall and leading to more costs for repairs down the line.
If you have watched the construction of a retaining wall, you might think that it’s just stacking blocks or stones, but it’s more than that. Before the stacking process, the property should undergo excavation and foundation preparation for drainage installation, and after this, backfilling is required. These processes require proper skills and techniques to accomplish properly. Denver retaining wall experts are well-versed in these processes and understand the proper techniques for compacting the soil, installing the right type of drainage, and ensuring that the wall has the correct slope or batter to resist the pressure from the soil it holds.
These technical aspects can be overwhelming for DIY enthusiasts, which adds to the most significant downside of DIY installation. Failing to understand the installation techniques and process of installing a Denver retaining wall can end up wasting all time and effort exerted for the project. In this matter, hiring a professional can give peace of mind knowing that the retaining wall is constructed properly.
Two factors that make DIY installation appealing are its cost-effectiveness and sense of accomplishment. But in reality, it can become more costly as DIY retaining wall installation has a higher chance of failing, resulting in more repair costs. On the other hand, achieving this sense of accomplishment requires time and effort researching, learning, and practicing. If you have other jobs or errands, it is up to your preference whether you can allot significant time and effort for this project. It might look like a simple task, but remember that professionals are not called ‘professionals’ for nothing.
Hiring Denver retaining wall experts can be more cost-effective as they provide warranties, which give further financial protection. They are also more efficient and faster, saving time and effort.
Some Denver Retaining walls may require permits, particularly when they exceed a certain building height, impact drainage, or affect neighbors’ properties. Acquiring permits can be challenging for DIY installers and failing to comply can lead to fines and legal issues. The better side of hiring professionals is they understand the local regulations and know how to acquire certain permits, ensuring that your Denver retaining wall addition is compliant with all relevant laws and standards.
Considering these points, it is now time to decide. If you are careful and can avoid the potential pitfalls, you can install your retaining walls yourself. But if you are looking for the best option and prioritizing getting the best quality in terms of aesthetics, integrity, and functionality of a Denver retaining wall, hire Denver retaining wall experts.
Contact us now.